If you follow me on Instagram hopefully you would have seen a few posts from my recent family lifestyle photography session with Becky, Millie, Harry and Becky’s mum Steph. I had the pleasure to photograph them for the third time and Becky and I know each other from baby sensory sessions when our girls were just few months old. Millie is also attending the same nursery as my Sophie and they love playing together. Millie once said Sophie is her best friend and my heart just melted. So lovely!
I was really pleased with how the session went. Millie and Harry were so happy throughout the session and were enjoying being outdoors. Millie is a real adventure girl and was enjoying picking up sticks and flowers and running around through the woods. At some point however she said that her legs hurt and didn’t want to walk anymore. Toddlers are just so funny! Thankfully nanny Steph was on guard and was happily carrying Millie and giving her lots of cuddles. Millie also was on Steph’s shoulders and I was so taken by Millie’s happy little face and the affection she was showing to her Grandma. It’s those moments that makes my job worthwhile and I absolutely love the simplicity and the candid moments I can capture with families during my family lifestyle photo sessions.
Harry has just turned one and he was so bright and giggly. He even enjoyed when I was bouncing silly toys on my head. He was also loving mummy cuddles and receiving kisses from his big sister. Their favourite song to sing is Row, row, row your boat and he enjoyed being picked up and swung in the air.
After the session I was so eager to download all pictures, start editing and share them with you. It was a day full of fun and I will cherish the love I have seen between Becky and her children but also Becky and her mum. It was very special.
Thank you again for being so amazing and letting me spend time with your family again.
If you think you’d love your own and natural Family Lifestyle Photography session then please get in touch, I would love to hear from you.
Ewa x