What are your lockdown memories? A few weeks ago I posted the video below on my Instagram account. This video was exactly what I needed that day. Since the lockdown here in Basingstoke we have been blessed with the weather. Glorious sunshine was making lockdown somehow easier. You could still go for walks (following social distancing rules) and girls could play in the garden. When the rain came I was scared that it will last forever and that we will be stuck indoors. How wrong was I! The rain just brought so much calmness (which I needed) and made me so happy.
I have enjoyed listening to simple raindrops and birds singing. It was also a great day for us to look through family albums and paint a rainbow. Next day morning walk after the rain was even better. I went out, looked around me and appreciated that wonderful still moment. I looked at the leaves moving so slowly and the raindrops on the grass and spider webs. It made me very emotional but so happy at the same time.
Lockdown has definitely brought lots of emotions in our household and I think we have learnt how to deal with them little by little. It also allowed us to slow down a little and enjoy the simple things. I would love to hear your lockdown memories and how are you going to remember this period.
Till next time
Ewa x